The First Wall Catch
An iconic moment that will probably go down as the greatest catch in Blue Jays history. There are many elements to this play which tend to be overlooked and unlike other catches players make at the wall, this is probably the most difficult for multiple reasons.
The wall is roughly 10 feet high so Pillar can’t simply jump up and make the grab, he has to jump and plant his foot in the wall and find the ball. This required perfect timing for the climb and tracking the ball.
When you watch the play again you also see that Pillar initially wanted to grab the top of the wall but didn’t jump high enough so he stretches his glove over the wall while using his free hand to brace himself.
You are going to see that this will be a trend for Pillar during his time with the Blue Jays. If he thinks he can make the catch he is going to do everything possible to make it happen.