10 Ways to deal with the Toronto Raptors withdrawal
By Demar Grant

Play with the Trade Machine to figure out a way to get DeMarre Carroll the hell of the Raptors
It’s hard to place Carroll in Raptors lore. He’s the biggest free agency signing in Raptors history but he’s made such a marginal that he’s possibly the most forgettable. Although Carroll hasn’t necessarily been a disaster for the Raptors, he never realized the position he was supposed to fulfill.
Hit threes and play defense, that’s all the Raptors needed him to do and he struggled in both this year to the point that Norman Powell was supplanting him in the starting lineup during the playoffs. The Raptors are stuck in a catch-22 though, they need a better small forward because Carroll is decomposing, which makes the team worse. In order to get a better swingman the Raptors need to trade one of their vital support pieces which means the team would get worse anyways. Try and figure out that conundrum, it could take you all summer.