3. Toronto Raptors vs. Golden State Warriors
Wednesday November 16th, 8:00 pm, Air Canada Centre
Again, if you can get tickets to this game, you better go. Teams like the current iteration of the Warriors only come around once every… never. Every Warriors game is going to be a spectacle, just because of the sheer amount of talent on the floor. But the Warriors’ narrative has been in question – have they truly made the heel turn?
By this time in the season, the preliminary story line around the Dubs will already be generated and if they are slated as villains, no crowd boos like a Toronto crowd.
This will also be the Raptors first look up close with the hydra that is the new Warriors. Golden State are the stick every other team is measured against and it will test the Raptors mettle to see how they truly stand up to the elite competition of the NBA.
Next: Renewed threat from divisional rivals